Monday, July 02, 2007

Comic Signing in July!!!!

We will be doing a book signing July 21st,
At Comic Relief
G-4050 Fenton Rd.
Flint, Michigan 48507

Attending Guests include...
Bill Messner-Loebs (The Maxx, Flash, Wonderwoman)
Randy Zimmerman (Tales From the Aniverse, Spank the Monkey, Scenes from the club)
Larry Lonsby (Tezlon, Tezlon: the Swordsman)
Brian Germain (MoonShadow, The Gryphon)
Roberto Armstrong (Shadowstorm, Bushi: Warrior Caste)
Justin Faber (The Gryphon)
Christy Hans (Comics Obscura)
Gemma Keech (The Clay Shaper)
and more to be announced!

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