Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Update on Glance of Time/The Swordsman

Currently Both books are in the Lettering stage/ with just a few more pages left from Jason Meents, and the Swordsman basically almost finished. It is definately looking like both books will way ahead of the schedule.

Other news this week.
Derek Baillie creator of Venterra Chronicles has taken on the chore of Editor for all the Tezlon books! Welcome aboard Derek!

Tezlon:The 5 kingdoms~ Met with Richard Buckhana over lunch, and discussed the Plot, Character designs, and overall ideas for the series which will give us a Glimpse in the past of Tezlon and one of it's coolest races, the catlike humanoid race KATTAN. This book will start production in a month, with a release date set for Decemeber 2008.

A Tezlon side project based on the Gods of the Realm is in the works. Michelle Fitzpatrick is working on the plot, and character designs, i will be helping on the writing chores. One of the characters will eventually play an important role in the ongoing Tezlon series. More information will be released in the future.
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