Here is a tentative Publishing Schedule for the Forth Coming New Tezlon Series of Books. If book sales are consistant, this Schedule will follow as planned.
Tezlon: The Swordsman #1 ------------------April 20th, 2007
Tezlon: Glance of Time #1--------------------May 15th, 2007
Tezlon: The Swordsman #2-------------------June 20th, 2007
Tezlon: War of Darkness #1-------------------July 20th, 2007
Tezlon: Glance of Time #2---------------------August 15th,2007
Tezlon:The Swordsman #3--------------------September 2oth,2007
Tezlon:Guide to the Realm #1------------------October, 25th,2007
Tezlon:War of Darkness #2---------------------October, 25th, 2007
Tezlon:Glance of Time #3-----------------------November 15th,2007
Tezlon: The 5 kingdoms #1----------------------Decemeber 20th,2007
2008 Schedule---
Tezlon:The Swordsman #4----------------------Jan 20th, 2008
Tezlon:Glance of Time #4------------------------Jan 28th,2008
Tezlon:The War of Darkness #3-----------------Feb 28th,2008
Tezlon:The 5 kingdoms #2----------------------March 20th,2008
Tezlon:The Swordsman #5----------------------March 28th,2008
Tezlon:Glance of Time #5------------------------April 19th, 2008
Tezlon:The War of Darkness #4------------------April 29th,2008
Tezlon:The 5 kingdoms #3------------------------May 15th,2008
Tezlon:The Swordsman #6------------------------June 20th,2008
Tezlon:Glance of Time #6--------------------------June 28th,2008
Tezlon:The Swordsman Trade Paperback #1-------July 10th,2008
Tezlon:Glance of Time Trade Paperback #1---------July 25th,2008
Tezlon:The 5 Kingdoms #4--------------------------August 10th,2008
Tezlon:War of Darkness #5--------------------------August 25th,2008
Tezlon:The Swordsman #7--------------------------September 5th,2008
Tezlon:Glance of Time #7----------------------------September 20th,2008
Tezlon:War of Darkness Trade Paperback #1---------October 15th,2008
Tezlon:The 5 Kingdoms Trade Paperback #1---------October 30th,2008
Tezlon:The Swordsman #8---------------------------Novemeber 15th,2008
Tezlon:Glance of Time #8----------------------------November 30th,2008
Tezlon:The 5 Kingdoms #5---------------------------December 10th,2008
Tezlon:War of Darkness #6---------------------------Decemeber 26th, 2008