Saturday, October 27, 2007

Tezlon:Chronicles of the Kattan

Larry Lonsby JR & Richard Buckhana have announced the new working title for the Kattan series which will be released in early 2008. The series follows a group from the Cat-like race of the Kattan's, thier exploits. More details will be released On next weeks PODIOCAST a short interview with the Writer Richard Buckhana.

Tezlon:Chronicles of the Kattan #1
Release Date:Early 2008
Written by:Richard Buckhana
Co-Plotter:Larry Lonsby JR
Artist:Arif Gunawan
Digital Colorist:Santosh Rath Kumar

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Fall comics have arrived!

We recieved the new shipment of Fall Comics, which includes Tezlon:Glance of Time #1, and the Art of Tezlon Book One. Both books turned out awesome, and we'll be sending out the pre-orders first. The Art of Tezlon will be a Xcape CON 1 Exclusive and we'll be selling the first copies at the show only first. After the book will become available at and the Tezlon Store. On a side note, Larry Lonsby Jr's TOA:The Lost World also will be shipping from Dark Elf Designs as well.

Tezlon:The Swordsman #2 is close to being finished, and will debut in Jan 2008...for now here is a sneek peak at Swordsman #3 cover.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Jaak Tate Sculpt

Omar has finished the Jaak Tate Sculpt. For those attending the XCAPE CON 1 they will get an exclusive look at it at the Hybrid Press table. Stay tuned for further announcements regarding Hybrid Press Aquiring the Tezlon series.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Tezlon First Novel begun...

Larry Lonsby Jr this week announced that the first Novel to be released from the world of Tezlon will be called Tezlon: Knights of the Sigil. It will detail the early adventures of Gedrik Mahalakye of the Swordsman Series. Laying the ground work for the ongoing comic series Tezlon:The Swordsman. We asked Larry some questions regarding some input on his first novel.

TC:What made you decide to write a Novel for the world of Tezlon, especially...with several comic series in the works.

Larry:I think because i've always wanted to try my hand at writing a tezlon novel, since the majority of the tales i wrote earlier on were basically short stories. With the ongoing comic series i had the oppurtunity to tell smaller tales within the Tezlon Universe and present artwork with them.

TC:So the Novel itself will take place in the past?

Larry:Yes roughly 20 years before the events of Tezlon:The Swordsman Comicbook series which is ongoing now. it will detail the early adventures of Gedrik,Arabella,King Malant...Kyle Dendrin the Woodsman. Let's not forget the evil dark Elf Mephast...we'll get a glimpse of how he became who he is.

TC:Will the Novel tie into the comic series?

Larry:Oh definately, if things go right...the novel series will end and open the road to the Swordsman series. I wanted a chance to reveal Gedrik's life, his adventures before the events in The Swordsman comic. I think it's a powerful story, filled with adventure,romance and also tragedy.

TC:How does it fit into the scheme of the Main Tezlon storyline we've heard about?

Larry:Well it actually fits like this...the novel takes place during the end of the Comic Series Tezlon:War of Darkness it will bridge the gap between those two comic series. It really will reveal alot of things and people who read the comics will be excited to see camoes of other Tezlon characters.

TC:Will it be one Novel? Or more?

Larry:As it stands it will be a Trilogy, the first being Knights of the Sigil...the two others will follow. IF everything goes as planned, i will attempt to also release the Novels on Podicast with chapters being read for people to listen to directly from the website at

TC:What does the name Knights of the Sigil mean?

Larry:Without revealing to much at this point, we know the Knights of the Sigil are bonded to thier weapons, via magical Sigil markings...or runes. THese weapons give them special abilities and wield awesome powers, making the Knights very powerful.

TC:When can we expect to see the Novel completed?

Larry: Look for forth coming news here, for the release date.

We also had some key information that the Novel would possibly tie into the Tezlon RPG game due out towards Fall of 2008.
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